Monday, June 30, 2008

A truth thats frightening

"According to Charles Keating of Citizens for Decency Through Law, research reveals that 77% of child molesters of boys and 87% of child molesters of girls admitted imitating the sexual behavior they had seen in pornography they had watched. Roughly 33% of girls and 14% of boys are molested before the age of 18, according to the U.S. Justice Department. Nearly 2/3 of all sexual assaults reported involved minors and roughly 1/3 involved children under the age of 12. In most cases, however, child molestation goes unreported. Estimates are that only 35% of sexual abuse is reported. Kids can be frightened or embarrassed and many times do not say anything." (

I was doing some research on this subject and honestly what I found frightened me. It's a scary thought. Honestly I believe rape in so so many ways is worse than ending a person’s life. You know afterwards it ends for the molester but it never ends for that child. They have to live with the fact they couldn’t or didn’t protect themselves because they were afraid. So if you’re reading this and you have molested someone… fix it as best as you can now. I know there is not much to be done but you do whatever you can to make sure it DOESN’T happen again. That is my advice.

On the other hand, if you have been a victim, you need to speak. DO something talk, scream, yell, cry, sleep next to your mother at night even if you’re 26. If you need that do it. Talk to someone. Talk to someone who you can trust. Just talk. That is honestly the best thing in the world. Talk to someone and then move from there. That is only a first step and I’m sure it’s not the hardest one. (Honestly if you feel you have no where to turn you can email me and I will be glad to talk to you, even if I don’t even know you I will help as much as I can. However I encourage you to talk to someone who is family or even your best friend. But talk please talk. Holding it in can kill.)

Parents… this life is so crazy and honestly there is so much evil everywhere. Sometimes you can’t protect your children. I know it’s awful to say that. I know you feel responsible to make sure they grow up safe and they become good people and that’s your job as a parent: but honestly sometimes you just can’t. You’re a human being; you can never face the evils of the entire world on your own. Honestly I say it’s better not to. Also sounds bad but life is about learning from struggles to find the happiness. It’s there just sometimes it hides. And I am not saying cause struggles, by no means cause more struggles. I’m saying if they happen, they happen: just help your child learn from them and learn from it yourself. Do what you can to protect them, they are so precious. Children really are so precious. They are only a child once. Teach them to love and not hate. Hate only causes you to give power to the person you do hate. Let go of anger. Find joy. Spend every time you have with your child they will need it. find peace even in the bad find peace. One last thing if you find out your child has been molested, help them. Don’t blame yourself for not being able to protect them when it happened. Protect them now. Help them, cry with them, talk with them, tell them you love them, be proud they have the courage to speak and tell them that, just help them. Ask them what they need. They might say “I don’t know” but you tell them if they need anything they can ask. Talk to them always, and hug them tight, it will help them to know you love them. It really will. And talk to them about rape and molestation before it even happens to help them understand it’s wrong. Also helps them know if it happens they need to tell. Talk to your children and always help them. They are vulnerable because they don’t know a lot of things about the world. Sadly people take advantage of that. Help your kids.

Even something as bad as this can have a good outcome. I know that sounds bad too. However everything has a purpose in life. Don’t stress so much live life, find joy. And most importantly help those when they reach out but more important help them when they don’t too.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tolerance Verses Acceptance

The meaning of each word in the dictionary...

Tolerance: the act of putting up with somebody or something irritating or otherwise unpleasant

Acceptance: willingness to treat somebody as a member of a group or social circle

I think many people are tolerant, which is better than not being tolerant at all (however a lot of people are not tolerant at all), but I think to learn acceptance will truly change this world.

BE friendly. Actually talk to your neighbors and learn acceptance.


and most importantly Serve others.

Gunga Din...

SO I have a challenge for everyone. Challenge is to be like Gunga Din. Most of you have no idea what I'm talking about however I'll tell you.

Today in my English 101 class I learned about the man who wrote the Jungle Book. His name is Rudyard Kipling. He also wrote a poem called Gunga Din. It's amazing. I love it. Thought I would share it because it gives an amazing message about human value. And one thing to remember when reading it is; that when it was written in the 1880's it was common thinking that white people where superior. So for this to be published back then it's even more amazing. No it's not racist. It's the opposite actually. Well enjoy reading the poem.

"YOU may talk o' gin an' beer
When you're quartered safe out 'ere,
An' you're sent to penny-fights an' Aldershot it;
But if it comes to slaughter
You will do your work on water,
An' you'll lick the bloomin' boots of 'im that's got it.
Now in Injia's sunny clime,
Where I used to spend my time
A-servin' of 'Er Majesty the Queen,
Of all them black-faced crew
The finest man I knew
Was our regimental bhisti, Gunga Din.

It was "Din! Din! Din!
You limping lump o' brick-dust, Gunga Din!
Hi! slippy hitherao!
Water, get it! Panee lao!
You squidgy-nosed old idol, Gunga Din!"

The uniform 'e wore
Was nothin' much before,
An' rather less than 'arf o' that be'ind,
For a twisty piece o' rag
An' a goatskin water-bag
Was all the field-equipment 'e could find.
When the sweatin' troop-train lay
In a sidin' through the day,
Where the 'eat would make your bloomin' eyebrows crawl,
We shouted "Harry By!"
Till our throats were bricky-dry,
Then we wopped 'im 'cause 'e couldn't serve us all.

It was "Din! Din! Din!
You 'eathen, where the mischief 'ave you been?
You put some juldee in it,
Or I'll marrow you this minute,
If you don't fill up my helmet, Gunga Din!"

'E would dot an' carry one
Till the longest day was done,
An' 'e didn't seem to know the use o' fear.
If we charged or broke or cut,
You could bet your bloomin' nut,
'E'd be waitin' fifty paces right flank rear.
With 'is mussick on 'is back,
'E would skip with our attack,
An' watch us till the bugles made "Retire."
An' for all 'is dirty 'ide,
'E was white, clear white, inside
When 'e went to tend the wounded under fire!

It was "Din! Din! Din!"
With the bullets kickin' dust-spots on the green.
When the cartridges ran out,
You could 'ear the front-files shout:
"Hi! ammunition-mules an' Gunga Din!"

I sha'n't forgit the night
When I dropped be'ind the fight
With a bullet where my belt-plate should 'a' been.
I was chokin' mad with thirst,
An' the man that spied me first
Was our good old grinnin', gruntin' Gunga Din.

'E lifted up my 'ead,
An' 'e plugged me where I bled,
An' 'e guv me 'arf-a-pint o' water—green;
It was crawlin' an' it stunk,
But of all the drinks I've drunk,
I'm gratefullest to one from Gunga Din.

It was "Din! Din! Din!
'Ere's a beggar with a bullet through 'is spleen;
'E's chawin' up the ground an' 'e's kickin' all around:
For Gawd's sake, git the water, Gunga Din!"

'E carried me away
To where a dooli lay,
An' a bullet come an' drilled the beggar clean.
'E put me safe inside,
An' just before 'e died:
"I 'ope you liked your drink," sez Gunga Din.
So I'll meet 'im later on
In the place where 'e is gone—
Where it's always double drill and no canteen;
'E'll be squattin' on the coals
Givin' drink to pore damned souls,
An' I'll get a swig in Hell from Gunga Din!

Din! Din! Din!
You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din!
Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"



Saturday, June 21, 2008

SO...about HEIFER!!!

alright time to talk about heifer... I've been meaning to just... haven't. ALright so Heifer is an amazing org. That focuses on ending world hunger. AMAZING ORG!!! lol. Heifer allows people to buy animals of all sorts that go to communities/people all over the world. Heifer also teaches the people who recieve these animals, how to care for them and how to gain food from them. Heifer does so so much and honestly I don't even know all that they do but you guys should check out their cite and if you would like to donate to heifer that's awesome!!! I'm thinking about some kind of fundraiser... I was thinking about putting on a talent show... but I don't have a location to hold it... and there is just problems with that. But I'm still thinking. Hey if anyone has any cool managable ideas please let me know. I'm excited to hear about that.
ALso I'm going to start a heifer team soon... and well I would love for anyone to join. I'll keep you posted about the heifer info. Keep reading the blog...

Oh I added a list of links to charities I've mentioned. I hope you look at them... =) Heifer is on there.

SO... get involved somehow with any org. Well I just suggest that... You'll have my support on it! =)

Smile today is a beautiful wonderful FANTASTIC day!!!