Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So this is America and we do have every right to protest things... Here is my ONLY problem with protesting: IT BECOMES VIOLENT!!! listen not everyone needs to see things your way. Peacefully protest! If you disagree discussions on points are okay but here is the thing one person state their views then the other... don't interupt because then people get angry and it turns into a heated arguement then we get so worked up that we end up fist fighting and beating each other up emotionally with words and physically and it can get worse than that. Weapons get involved.

Listen I'm not saying protesting is not bad I believe people should stand up for what they believe especially when human beings or animals or the enviroment is being harmed. However remember that violence causes wars not a solution. My advice is be understanding in protest on both ends. And I know their are some people who are so into what they protest they won't hear a word from anyone who apposes them, but set the example for them. Be understanding. More impotantly be open minded to at least listen to what others say.

Thats my advice, take it or leave it: it's your choice. Just do me one favor at least think about what I've said. Thanks. I hope you find the joys in this wonderful life.

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