Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Honestly the words "you can't" have been ringing in my ears. After a fight, everything seemed to crash down. Last night was awful, however this blog is not about me. So I won't go into any details, but I do need to say something.

When you are told "you can't" do something, DON'T believe it. never give up on your dreams. So many many people truged through life aimlessly. THey get up go to school/work, home, eat, sleep and then repeat. No purpose, get food on the table, do what they are told because they don't know any different. All around them people telling them "you can't!"

Well guess what I CAN!!! I am not and never will give up on my dreams. Impossible dream, maybe; but I want my dream so bad I'm willing to work forever for that impossible thing. You want to know my dream, my dream is that mankind as a whole gets more accepting, we don't judge others and there is the closet thing to peace in this world. THere will be NO murders, no rapes, no sexual molestation of any kind, nothing bad. Imposible it may seem so but I have to try to do something to fix the awful problems in this world. I have to, I live here and my family lives here and my friends and people I don't even know live on this planet. I can't let it go on how it is continually suffuring, people murdered, people miserable. I hate the pain in this world and I am going to try my hardest to make a difference. I have to.

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