Saturday, June 21, 2008

SO...about HEIFER!!!

alright time to talk about heifer... I've been meaning to just... haven't. ALright so Heifer is an amazing org. That focuses on ending world hunger. AMAZING ORG!!! lol. Heifer allows people to buy animals of all sorts that go to communities/people all over the world. Heifer also teaches the people who recieve these animals, how to care for them and how to gain food from them. Heifer does so so much and honestly I don't even know all that they do but you guys should check out their cite and if you would like to donate to heifer that's awesome!!! I'm thinking about some kind of fundraiser... I was thinking about putting on a talent show... but I don't have a location to hold it... and there is just problems with that. But I'm still thinking. Hey if anyone has any cool managable ideas please let me know. I'm excited to hear about that.
ALso I'm going to start a heifer team soon... and well I would love for anyone to join. I'll keep you posted about the heifer info. Keep reading the blog...

Oh I added a list of links to charities I've mentioned. I hope you look at them... =) Heifer is on there.

SO... get involved somehow with any org. Well I just suggest that... You'll have my support on it! =)

Smile today is a beautiful wonderful FANTASTIC day!!!

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