Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cancer Hats...

So the church I go to does this once a month humanitarian project thing! lol Well I went last time and learned how to make yarn hats that are donated to people with Cancer! It is incredibly easy process that is time consuming. However I enjoy it and I can sit and watch TV (the few times I ever do...) and easily finish a hat in about two hours... so far I have only made one... and I need to learn to finish it the right way... however I'm just learning and am very excited about this. I am willing to make a bunch and donate them also... I think I might sell them too... 5 bucks all profits go to the Heifer Organization. (If you want to know about Heifer there is a link on the right side..) anyway it's something... when I make a couple of them I'll put up pictures... lol anyone wanting to be involved with this let me know.. I'll see what I can do to help.

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