Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A truth that affects us all

People don't want to see the pain the world is suffering. Global warming is real. It’s a real, awful truth and what’s being done about it? Absolutely nothing. Maybe people are unaware of the increasing climate, or some believe it will be a good climate change for the world, or perhaps they have given up hope because it’s pointless to be the only one fixing the problem that seems impossible to fix in the first place. Whatever the reason may be, efforts to relieve global warming are minimal.
It’s not an issue for most people living on the planet that is rapidly changing for the bad. According to Darren K. Clarkson’s survey called “Concern About Environmental Problems” that was taken in 2002-2003, only twenty six percent of the people surveyed thought that Global Warming or the greenhouse effect was a problem that was “a great deal.” Well, to inform the other 74 percent, Global Warming causes a climate shift with the entire planet that could be devastating. It’s a global problem, that effects anyone living on this planet, that you need to learn. Also for those who say the climate shift would actually be beneficial, as the earth gets warmer the ice in the North Pole and South Pole regions melt. The water from the ice has to go somewhere and that somewhere would be flooding low sea level towns where people live.
However, of that 26 percent who thought it was “a great deal,” it didn’t say how many were doing something about this issue. So who knows what’s being done from just the citizens?
The real cause of global warming is the gases that are polluted into the air mostly by factories and cars. So instead of reducing these gases, Matthew L. Wald suggests, in The New York Times Article, “Running in Circles Over Carbon”, that these gases be stored and reused elsewhere. “Emissions from coal-fired power plants already account for about 27 percent of American greenhouse emissions…” This would eliminate a lot of the pollution being spread into our planets atmosphere causing the global warming. The problem with this is the initial cost for the technology to be put in place is too much for companies to spend.
Other suggestions, like using solar or wind powered energy to cut down the carbon being polluted by coal burning energy source, are also too expensive. So companies are not doing anything about this problem.
Citizens are not concerned with this issue for the most part. Companies, that are primarily causing the problem, are also unconcerned. So again nothing is being done for the environment that is being warmed.
The problem will simply continue, as the people concerned about it continue to write out columns no one reads, as scientists research the subject, as people argue if it’s even happening or not. The facts are there, there is no denying it. However there is not a simple way to fix it.
While all the debate is going on about what to do to fix this problem, it’s only getting worse. The longer we put off this problem the more serious it will be. So now the only question about global warming anyone can ask is; “Do you care about your planet enough to do something to fix this devastating problem?” I wouldn’t simply answer this question, but prove it.

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